Sunday, April 02, 2017

Wondercon 2017 - Day 3

Today was the third and final day of Wondercon, at the Anaheim Convention Center, in Anaheim, CA.

The day started off with all the droids attending a memorial panel for Carrie Fisher and Kenny Baker. We staged the droids at the back of the room until it was their time to go up.

Toward the end of the panel, they had all attendees in Star Wars costumes, along with the droids, come up for a group photo.

And even more photos outside in the hallway.

We returned to the booth in the form of a droid parade.

And we wrapped up day 3 back at the booth with people taking selfies with the droids.

I always enjoy seeing the guys and meeting people, and this convention did not let me down. I look forward to the next one.

I leave you with this picture of our "sophisticated group of friends," as Paul Thompson put it.

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